Friday 23 May 2014

Racial Segregation On Planet Swoof No Cohabitation Allowed!


First off, you build your villages population in one of two ways.  By building Smurf and Swoof houses and expanding upon them using coins and smurfberries (for a maximum of 3 characters in one building), or by simply purchasing the little buggers via Smurfberries.  If you are going for houses you will soon find out that Smurfs and Swoofs are not allowed to live in the same house.  Pure white Smurfs, uh, BLUE Smurfs don't mix with savages.  I don't like this fact, but that is how the game works.  Not only do I find it racist, it also winds up costing players larger amounts of space that could be put to better use.

Buying houses will of course take up a lot of vital space in any area, not just the planet.  The games expansions are so few and often so small, it feels like you are expected to just buy the characters you want with berries.  This of course has felt a lot of players who didn't realize the expansions were limited, or who just could not afford to buy characters with real money in a shitty situation.  The solution came last year in the form of Condos.

In the recent Easter 2014 Update for Smurfs Village Players were finally given a chance to free up some space on Planet Swoof through the use of Condos.  (8 months after the planet was introduced.)   Basically how they work is, you buy one for some coins and can place a small amount of Smurf Huts in them.  If you want to put any significant amount of huts into a condo, you are going to have to pay some hefty smurfberrie prices to expand them.
People were pretty pleased that they were finally able to free up some space on Planet swoof.  That was until they found out that Smurfs and Swoofs not be placed together in a condo!!!   It frustrated a lot of players.  The cries of rabbid man babies and 50 year old pricesses, rose in protest on Beelines rotten little message board.  'Too bad folks!' says Beeline!  The Swoofs won't be movin' on up to a luxury condo on the east side.  The Swoofs are not the Jeffersons and Beeline is not interested in racial equality.  Two updates have come and gone since and nothing has been done to change this situation.  Racial Segregation is the lesson of the day kids.  You don't mix the races, says uncle Beeline!  So what to do if you want free space, but you also want more Swoofs?  Beelines answer?  Just buy them for 10 Smurfberries a piece!  They don't need a home.  Once they are done working, the savages can sleep on the cold ground!

A sad old Swoof wonders the cold night alone, while Smurfs sleep cozy in their Condos.

I don't understand why, from a gaming perspective, you can't place different objects in the same storage device, when the only thing that separates them is a cosmetic design.  You can place anything in the other storage containers in the game.  All of a sudden this changed when dealing with the Black and Blue races of the game.  Makes you think!

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