Friday 23 May 2014

Racial Segregation On Planet Swoof No Cohabitation Allowed!


First off, you build your villages population in one of two ways.  By building Smurf and Swoof houses and expanding upon them using coins and smurfberries (for a maximum of 3 characters in one building), or by simply purchasing the little buggers via Smurfberries.  If you are going for houses you will soon find out that Smurfs and Swoofs are not allowed to live in the same house.  Pure white Smurfs, uh, BLUE Smurfs don't mix with savages.  I don't like this fact, but that is how the game works.  Not only do I find it racist, it also winds up costing players larger amounts of space that could be put to better use.

Buying houses will of course take up a lot of vital space in any area, not just the planet.  The games expansions are so few and often so small, it feels like you are expected to just buy the characters you want with berries.  This of course has felt a lot of players who didn't realize the expansions were limited, or who just could not afford to buy characters with real money in a shitty situation.  The solution came last year in the form of Condos.

In the recent Easter 2014 Update for Smurfs Village Players were finally given a chance to free up some space on Planet Swoof through the use of Condos.  (8 months after the planet was introduced.)   Basically how they work is, you buy one for some coins and can place a small amount of Smurf Huts in them.  If you want to put any significant amount of huts into a condo, you are going to have to pay some hefty smurfberrie prices to expand them.
People were pretty pleased that they were finally able to free up some space on Planet swoof.  That was until they found out that Smurfs and Swoofs not be placed together in a condo!!!   It frustrated a lot of players.  The cries of rabbid man babies and 50 year old pricesses, rose in protest on Beelines rotten little message board.  'Too bad folks!' says Beeline!  The Swoofs won't be movin' on up to a luxury condo on the east side.  The Swoofs are not the Jeffersons and Beeline is not interested in racial equality.  Two updates have come and gone since and nothing has been done to change this situation.  Racial Segregation is the lesson of the day kids.  You don't mix the races, says uncle Beeline!  So what to do if you want free space, but you also want more Swoofs?  Beelines answer?  Just buy them for 10 Smurfberries a piece!  They don't need a home.  Once they are done working, the savages can sleep on the cold ground!

A sad old Swoof wonders the cold night alone, while Smurfs sleep cozy in their Condos.

I don't understand why, from a gaming perspective, you can't place different objects in the same storage device, when the only thing that separates them is a cosmetic design.  You can place anything in the other storage containers in the game.  All of a sudden this changed when dealing with the Black and Blue races of the game.  Makes you think!

Thursday 22 May 2014

Worthless Robot Smurf-O-Tron Exclusvie Offer

Here is todays Exclusive Offer Item for Beeline's Smurfs' Village game. It's a Robot that Smurfs love! Hey kids! Get your parents to buy this, cause your Smurfs will love it! Will they? No, no they won't. They don't interact with it at all. So there's lie number one right there.  What does it do? It wanders around aimlessly.  It stops every so often and turns around. If you touch it, the head flips back to reveal another head driving it underneath.  A marvel of pogramming right there, totally worth your $10 investment.  It has no quests, no farming applications and no animations interacting with anything.  You can buy a full game on PSN, the Nintendo E-shop, or even on itunes for less. This is simply a rip off.

Unlike 99% of Exclusive Offer items, the Smurf-O-Tron does not generate XP either. A really good point, purposely left out of the description of the item.  Some moron programmer must have been too high to program that in. Here's what really makes me laugh, it says that the "Space Items May Differ In Color And Appearance" and yet, you can only place this thing in space!!!! Why the hell would you state that your item that can only be placed in one area, will possibly be differently painted when placed IN THAT AREA???? Was this line left there out of laziness, or is Beeline again trying to dupe people into thinking you can place this character anywhere? My guess is it is a little of both. Beeline wants to make money as bad as it can, so any dishonest tactic that can help sway your purchase will be employed.
Final note, there is no official word regarding if this item eats into your character count, or not. Buyer beware as is always the case with Beeline.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Beeline False Advertising: The Smurf On The Scooter Exclusive Offer

Here's another example of Beelines false advertising. Here the item is clearly labeled as a Smurf On A Scooter. Players that read this would rightly assume that the item is a Smurf that constantly rides his scooter around. After all, the description clearly states this is what you get.  Heck, it even states that you can 'get around' in it.  What else would that imply?  As well, the item before this, a sub pictured with a Smurf in it, has said Smurf always in it. 

This was not the case however, as players only got a very small ramp with an extremly hard to make out scooter.  Smurfs only use this item when they are free and the game tells them to ride it.  They only do so for a very short period of a few seconds.  The make about two turns around the ramp and walk away.  The rest of the time, you are stuck looking at quite the eyesore.  A small, dull item, advertised as something fun and exciting.  Certainly not woth the $9.99 price tag.  Just another Scam typical of Beeline. 

False Advertising With Beeline Smurfs' Village Exclusive Offers

Exclusive Offers are a way for Beeline to sucker players out of more money for items that should otherwise be made available in each update with the purchase of Smurf Berries. Instead, Beeline will wave the new item in players face for 30 mins (HURRY UP AND MAKE UP YOUR MIND!)  with an attatched price of $9.99-$25.99.  Beeline creates about 3, to four of these a month and never puts them on sale below the $9.99 mark.  You either get the same amount of Smurf Berries you would if you purchased them from the in game resources shop, or they will rip you off by taking as many as 50-100 (A $5 to $10 amount) and replacing them with worthless resources you can easily earn in game.  This high pressure sales pitch has suckered many out of countless dollars for a piece of pixel art.  The item does little, to nothing 99% of the time, save for a 3 second animation that loops continuously.  (Some do not even do that.)

So where is the false advertising you ask? Why just look below!

Each of these items specifies that their space colours will be different then as pictured. For a long time Beeline didn't advertise this fact and honestly when they are lazy enough, they still don't. But the thing is this: NONE OF THESE ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE TO PLACE IN SAPCE. So why even put it there? You are just leading on your players with false hope that these things can be placed on the Swoof Planet. They cannot. What is even WORSE is that it doesn't say where any of these can be placed. Since last fall Smurfs Village has had major problems related to game crashing. Traveling between areas can take hours of repeated attempts to just move from one area to another. Having to restart the game over and over is stress enough, but there is more to it then that.  There is the stress and fearing that you will lose progress and items, or worse! You may be taken back to level one again and will have to restart from a previous save, losing everything you earned, or purchased since midnight that day. 
So what happens when players are in the WRONG area and they purchase and exclusive offer? They run the risk of being taken to another area. This has been the cause of panic and fear for many players. If the game crashes, you will lose the items you purchased with no in game way of getting them back.  You have to go through the lengthly process of dealing with Beelines horrible customer service. Since the game is such a buggy mess, they more often then not cannot send you the items you use. Yes the people that RUN THE GAME CANNOT MAKE IT WORK RIGHT ENOUGH TO PLACE A SIMPLE GIFT IN A VILLAGE.  They will keep stringing you on with false hope, until finally they tell you that you are screwed.  They will not refund your money and they will not offer any other resolution.  It's been stated by even VIP players that attemps at request help, have met with Beeline Customer Service even blocking their e-mails.  What kind of a company is this exactly?  A company the enjoys stealing your money and watching you suffer as you try to get it back, that's what!  Why does Apple allow such horrible practices on their itunes store?  Why does Capcom, a company with 30+ years in the video game industry, want to be associated with such bad business practices? 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Let's Explore the Bugs and Racism in Smurfs' Village By Beeline

Hello and welcome to this blog dedicated to all the programming issues and blatant racism found in the game Smurfs' Village. The Toronto based company, that is a part of Capcom has been putting on a minstrel show for your children since last summer and things are about to get a lot worse. Inserted into the game last year were the Swoofs. What are Swoofs you ask? Well see the image below for a picture of one. The Swoofs have certain visual cartoon characteristics associated with black or African cultural stereotypes. The Swoofs dress, act and speak in an unsophisticated way that is evocative of Mammy and Little Black Sambo. The look of the Swoofs was copied from a "savage" cartoon archetype. In the modern era, the Swoofs represent unfortunate stereotypes. Basically they are cannibal looking Smurfs. Back in the 1980s, Hannah Barbera had the decenty to color these characters green, but Beeline had an agenda in mind. That was simply to present these characters just as racist as they were entended to look!
The Swoofs have their history rooted firmly in characters such as these.

As you can see the Swoofs have the huge lips along with the same style of shaggy hair as a Minstrel.
How are things getting worse? Beeline plans to deface one of the greatest black cultures of all time, ancient Egypt by slapping black faces on the Egyptian characters! This includes defacing one of the proudest monuments of black history the great Sphinx! Yes, your children can erect a shrine to racism, that will give them smurfberries towards their shameful act! Smurfberries are game currency with must otherwise be purchase with real money. Is this 2014, or 1920? What kind of world do we live in where a company like Capcom invests in such racist and degrading ideas? If this is a family game, it is certainly not intended for anyone of black decent.